Altres projectes

AGRIPOPES - AGRIcultural POlicy-Induced landscaPe changes: effects on biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

agroBIODIVERSITY - a cross-cutting network of DIVERSITAS

APPEAL – Assessment and valuation of Pest suppression Potential through biological control in European Agricultural Landscapes

BiodivERsA - Network of national funding organizations promoting pan-European research that offers innovative opportunities for the conservation and sustainable management of biodiversity

BIOPLEX - Biodiversity and spatial complexity in agricultural landscapes under global change

Claim - Supporting the role of the Common agricultural policy in LAndscape valorisation: Improving the knowledge base of the contribution of landscape Management to the rural economy

CONNECT - Linking biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services

Farm4Bio - Managing uncropped land in order to enhance biodiversity benefits of the arable farmed landscape


LIBERATION - LInking farmland Biodiversity to Ecosystem seRvices for effective ecological intensification

PEERLESS - Predictive Ecological Engineering for Landscape Ecosystem Services and Sustainability

Platform for Agrobiodiversity Research

QuESSA- Quantification of Ecological Services for Sustainable Agriculture

RURAGRI - Cooperation network between research programmes dealing with new relationships between rural areas and agriculture in Europe and the challenge of sustainability

smallFOREST - biodiversity and ecosystem services of small forest fragments in European landscapes

TRUSTEE - Towards RUral Synergies and Trade-offs between Economic development and Ecosystem services

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